IDEA is the continuation of Entomologische Mededeelingen van Nederlandsch-Indie. It is the first Journal published by the Entomologische Vereniging in Indonesie (EVI) or in English is called Entomological Society in Indonesia.  Its first publication is in 1950, and hence, it is the first Entomological Journal that was being published after Indonesia reached its independence.   IDEA holds a very important symbol in that this Journal signifies the collaboration between Dutch and Indonesia scientists after independence.   Nurturing was provided by Dutch scientists to Indonesian young scientists.



Entomologische Vereniging in Indonesie (EVI) or “Entomological Society in Indonesia” or in Indonesia Perkumpulan Entomologi was formed in Bogor on December 11, 1949 by twenty Dutch scientists and three Indonesian scientists. The creation of EVI was conveyed to Nederlandshe Entomologische Vereniging (NEV), the Entomological Society of the Netherlands, for historical reasons. The first publication of IDEA was in 1950, and the last publication was 1960 (volume 13, number 2).  After its termination, Indonesia did not have any Entomological Journal, until the conception of Jurnal Entomologi Indonesia in 2004.

The complete holdings of IDEA is unknown, however some can be found scattered in the old libraries of IPB, Bogor Agricultural University.


IDEA 8. V. 1950. Deel. 8. Nos.1-2 (Download artikel)

IDEA 15. VI. 1960. Vol. 13. No.1-2 (Download artikel)

IDEA 15. VIII. 1957. Vol. 10. No.4 (Download artikel)

IDEA 16. II. 1954. Vol. 10. Nos.1-2 (Download artikel)

IDEA 16. III. 1953. Deel. 9. Nos.3-4(Download artikel)

IDEA 31. I. 1951. Deel. 8. No.3-4 (Download artikel)

IDEA 31. X. 1959. Vol. 2. No.1 (Download artikel)

IDEA 31. XII. 1951. Deel. 9. No.1-2 (Download artikel)